subota, 30. ožujka 2024.


"Midnight Orange" - movie scenes


"Mermaid Song" movie - scenes


Blood Thirsty / Fountain of Youth - film scenes



Žaoka tame 

usna je pješčane pržine

Na koju želi leći i pustiti

Da kiša noževa pljuštimice pada po

Paraliziranoj zvijezdi njezinog

Sniježnobijelog mesa,

Dok kuglice žive jure

po njegovu raspaljenu arhipelagu.

Golu ju gule

lomačom El Grecovih nebesa,

I svečanom šutljivošću

Tajnoviti stvorovi

Ubrizgavaju horor noćnog sunca

U njezine lude oči.

Širom raširene, kao leteći tanjuri,

Upijaju gang-bang svemira.

Njezina vitičasta mašta

koštat će je glave.

Silovita energija titanskog vulkana

Tutnji u njoj

kao napalm nerođenih sabljarki.

Njezina ljubav užaren je komet,

Morska vlasulja-mesožerka.

Tunelom njezine prapovijesne gladi

Lunjaju aveti pogubljenika

Nespremnih na mač

plamenog srca.

U tišini, srebrne ribe

njezinih raspljeskanih,

razularenih misli

Ljeskaju se ikrama

ratničke polucije.

I kada spava,

proždrljiva magnolija sjevera

Čuva joj atomske jezgre

vještičje mačadi

Crnpurastim krznom

u rosi agavina opijuma.

Ona bliješti, bliješti,

sipajući nitroglicerin

U čaške svog prljavog, krvavog snijega

I muljevitog rastakanja u talog

Nakazne smrti prije smrti.

Njezini jajnici – bolni čvorovi

Olovom zalivenih pupoljaka

Odašilju beskonačne babuške

Nerazrješive, nepronične tame –

Samo krijesnica u polucilindru

Donosi joj kamelije

Na grob izgorjela otoka


(from my poetry book "Black Mamba", 2008 - 2023)

subota, 23. ožujka 2024.

 Demons in my Dreams

New virtual exhibition, a quick improvised sketch for next projects in the vein of "Spring Sangria Somnambulic Sirens" and "From Babylon to Uranus: Blood Moon Goddess" (this gallery is too minimalist and brutalist for my taste, and I want to go bestial, feral and unhinged.
In my wild, hectic, more emotionally intense times, I dream very vividly and the story is either hot chaos, snake pit or elaborate, mind blowing cinematic adventure with intricate alleys, very dark but also sprinkled with neon. Sometimes, I am possessed by nightmares, abducted by a paralysis demon or I wake up in petrifying horror, abominable confusion or utter fear of losing control and death. That imminent sense of impending doom that builds pavor nocturnus creeps in my bones. The fear is a void, a vortex, a black hole that sucks my soul. Women and monsters on my drawings and glitch art are demons, materialized fear that dances on the razorblade of the unfathomable and the unimaginable, of the Real that eludes symbolic and linguistic designation. Their red blood of the flesh and sex and pink dew of ethereal exoskeleton / iridescent aura weave the foam of hypnotic dances and magic rituals, as they try to drown the ghosts in the inky waters. Sexy suicides of diabolical monsters that enliven again on paper release my pain, and I render them sensual, seductive and mesmerizing to kill the beast and to sooth the wounds inflicted by maddened Hades and Nyx that kiss and copulate at some godforsaken graveyard.
After purging the dirt and grimes that infect my psychic silverscreens with buzzing noise, I feel as fresh and pure as a virgin in angel dust.

 Diabla, doll, doppelgänger, daughter dolorosa. Dia de los muertos y las almas perdidas.

The Pirate Queen
- she eats the pain and pukes rainbow cornucopia of diamonds and pearls on the shrine of secrets in submerged cathedral. Ruby red and royal blue ooze fire and water of her sacrificial electric blood.
Winter Goddess of death Morana and spring Lada in this incarnation and incorporation dived deep, from witch fires and solar glare corona to Ocean Goddess, my fusion of vampy venomous Venus, murderous bitch, siren and pirate hoe princess, inspired by dark-shark glimmering of my poetry. Many of my oceanic avatars are blackhaired and dangerous as spiders, and this one is albinesque, translucent, ghost-like mannequin doll, which transfixes and petrifies, after previous ones seduced sailors and adventurous royals to the other worlds, to the crack of deadly oblivion. She is the uncanny hybrid of a baby, angelic maiden and sinister sorceress - undead magician that talks backwards. Sitting on the throne in her mother-of-pearl cave, She is the treasure and altar of the magnificent Ocean principle, all-devouring and omnipotent. She eats the pain and pukes jewels, gems, pearls and diamonds and her fire is so hot it turns blue. She is the keeper of underwater graves, guardian of secrets and a priestess of sunken cathedral, with echoes of enchanting voices that chant longingly and seductively, as in echo chamber. Neon blood emanates sweet, juicy and poisonous rainbows of maniacal libido born from trauma and grief (darkness always hides fresh fruit and rough gems in zillion colors). She was so morbidly black that she exploded in blinding light and white heat, shining like comets and stellar lace of intergalactic orgasm. Naval fever dream, hallucination of shipwrecked cruise. The world was her oyster and then she was sacrificed. Blue and red stand for water and fire, emotional and temperamental elements (while earth and air are more intellectual and strained). A lot of polarities happen: between a victim and an evil temptress, a sacrificial lamb to the cult and a powerful, despotic queen, a mechanical, hypnotized, groomed doll and a vengeful force of nature in the form of wild female that cannot be tamed, a trembling heart breaker that shapeshifts to She-bomb. 
I am also hinting at unveiling of romanticizing tropes of a beautiful dead girl, fatally perished prom queen and drop dead gorgeous cadaver. Sometimes they are even fetishized to the boiling point of arousal (necrophilia). I give that troubled girl paranormal powers that rise her up from the grave / coffin / ashes, trippling her powers by immortalizing her and crowning her as a Goddess and a heroine. I am playing with a notion that a death should be glamorous or should not be at all.